About Your Green Card Coach

My name is Paul Everitt and I am a past Green Card Lottery winner.

In October of 1996 I entered the Diversity Visa lottery, and in May of 1997 I received notice that I was a winner, offering me and my family the opportunity to move to America.

We took the leap, and in 1998 my family and I left our home in South Africa and moved to Florida. It was a giant step forward that changed our lives forever, and we have been living here successfully in the USA ever since.

Over the past 20 years I have helped many friends & acquaintances enter the Green Card Lottery, but this year I’ve received way more inquiries for assistance than normal, more than I can manage on a one-to-one basis.

Therefore in order to help as many people as possible, I’m offering my help via the information on this website, to anyone who can qualify to enter the Diversity Visa lottery.

Visit my home page for more information.